Puzl CowOrKing is an IT Office ran like a Community. As such, we do not believe in enforcing rules, we believe the community to be self-driving itself to success with the help of the Chief Navigator.
Puzl, the company behind the creation of the Puzl CowOrKing, is just a member of the community. These rules apply to Puzl members in the exact same way as to everyone else.
In the events of an issue relative to the coworking space, please contact the Happiness Officer at the reception or someone else from the Puzl CowOrKing team.
Your liberty ends where the liberty of someone else begins. Respect each other; respect the space that you work in and all the amenities in it. It is important that we all understand the rules of living in a community.
The below rules will be obvious to you. Common sense is not that common but we are sure you possess it.
We do not like control and do not wish to have to turn the space into a school classroom. As long as we all respect each other and live in an educated and cognitive manner then we should not need to impose anything on any of us!
Good communication is at the heart of all communities. It is important that you speak to people around the space. Say hi, bye, present yourself, do not be afraid to meet and mingle!
In addition to constant face-to-face interactions, we have created notice boards (in the kitchens) and two universal online communication channels for all (coworkingspace.slack.com and https://www.facebook.com/groups/puzlcoworking). We hope that you will use those as much as possible to share ideas, request help, ask questions but also share funny posts with the members of the space.
Upon your arrival, you’ll receive an invitation to join the slack channel. We’d recommend using the desktop app to keep up to date with everything that’s is happening here. If you’re experiencing any problems in setting it up, just drop a line to the Happiness Officer and you’ll receive some help. The Puzl CowOrKing Facebook group is where you will find information about members-only events such as Monday pancakes, Tuesday mojitos, Wednesday BBQ, Thursday drinks, Friday parties and weekend retreats.
Working in a shared office means that you may be willingly (or unwillingly) introduced to the trade secrets of the other members of the space. It is of utmost importance that you treat this information with privacy. Do not share it with others, unless you are specifically authorized by the above-mentioned company.
We are here to help each other get better and grow faster. You may have a problem that needs fixing and someone else in the community may have fixed it before. You may need the help of a designer but happen to have idled marketing skills. Sharing and helping each other will ultimately benefit all of us.
You may use the #community-help channel on slack to ask for help or help a coworker in trouble.
Moreover, if you have customer requests you cannot serve and/or received CVs of persons that may be of value to a team in the space but does not suit your current needs, don’t hesitate to share these on slack and see if any of the other members would be interested.
We welcome any ideas to improve Puzl CowOrKing. We also count on you to report any issues you find so that we get them fixed. Please report ideas and issues to the official communication channels so that we can address them as fast as possible.
- #ideas-improvements channel could be used for any ideas that you have
The office is yours as much as it is of every other member of the Community so if you want it to work well, take good care of it.
We’re not hiring each other’s team members! This rule is crucial to the space. We DO NOT try to attract employees from other companies that are members of the Space! It is both reckless and unhealthy for the community.
Forcing the recruitment of someone from another company, part of the community, will lead to you being excluded from the space and the loss of your deposit, which will then be given to the other company as a compensation.
If you are approached by one of the members of the community either refuse or speak to the concerned company.
If you wish to recruit someone from the space then wait at least 2 months after they have left their existing company to recruit them, unless the existing company of the employee agrees to their recruitment.
We are a community. As such, we believe that we should help each other with the marketing communication. If you wish to post something on one of the Social Media accounts contact the Voice. I can assure you that they'll be happy to share it.
The Puzl CowOrKing offices are currently located in the two buildings of the Ex-Vitosha Factory in Sofia.
In building #1 (next to Lidl) you'll find us on fl. 2 (The Greenhouse), fl. 4 (currently a private office) and fl. 5 (The Space). In building #2 you'll find us on fl. 5 (The View and Factory 2.0).
Upon your arrival within the space, you are given your very own access card! This card is yours and yours only. It will give you 24/7 access to all the common areas and your private office (if you have one).
If your card is lost, report it as fast as possible to the Operations team.
We can issue a second card if you’ve lost or damaged your primary one, but keep in mind that we’ll charge you 20 BGN for it.
A new card may cost you 20 BGN but the damages that could happen if not reported in time are far greater! You are indeed liable for any issues that may result from someone entering the space using your personal access card.
When you become a member of the community, you get a dedicated desk and it’s yours to create your own chaos there. You may bring in your monitors, keyboards, headphones and the little desk amulets. We only require that your desk looks acceptably organized (well we are in IT…) at all times.
A team is cleaning all the areas daily. However, please note that they are here to do general cleaning and not to clean your personal mess.
You are also legally responsibility for the tools you are using. Puzl CowOrKing cannot be deemed responsible for the legality of the software and/or hardware you are using and/or bringing to the office space. You are responsible for assuring that your equipment respect the laws dictated by Bulgaria and the European Union.
In the event of copyright infringement you are deemed solely responsible for your actions and in no way can Puzl CowOrKing be made legally responsible. This further applies to what you do, both online and offline, while being within the space.
Both floors boast a very nice kitchen and dining areas for all to enjoy. We invite you to eat all potentially toxically smelling items in that designated area. In addition to cleaning, we would ask you not to leave bits and pieces of food lying around.
All the kitchens are equipped with everything you need for a productive day:
• Coffee and tea – coffee and tea in Puzl CowOrKing is free.
• Water – water is free in the space. To decrease the use of the plastic bottles we’ve installed filtered water machines in the kitchens.
• Cutlery, mugs, glasses, and plates – all the kitchens are equipped with mugs, glasses, and plates that you could use. However, if you find a highly-personalized mug, it is probably personal and you shouldn’t be using it.
• The Fridge – You are welcome to store food in the fridges and freezers, however, please note that we cannot take responsibility for missing items! We’re cleaning the fridges every Monday morning. By cleaning, we mean throwing away everything that’s inside it. So if you’d like to keep your food for the upcoming week, please put a note on it
When in the kitchen or in any other area you make a big mess do not wait for the cleaners but sort it out yourself. If you use any glasses, mugs and other plates and cutlery placed at your disposal in the kitchen, please clean your dirty dishes and place them to dry on the side of the sink.
Аfter all your mama doesn’t work here!
The hygiene should be common sense, but for the aspiring firemen out there – if you cannot aim then just sit… And it goes without saying that you should flush after your business is done.
If the tension is too high during the long summer days, you should know that showers are installed on the Greenhouse floor also.
A ring tone can easily get someone out of the zone. Please set your ring tones to vibration or at a civilized level of ringing so that you may hear you phone without disturbing other people.
Big part of work is communication. We understand that this is a vital part of our daily routine. When speaking from the main space please restrain yourself from being too loud. If you believe that the time required for a discussion will exceed a few minutes, then we invite you to move to the common areas that you feel are most adapted to your needs.
Try to move whenever possible to the designated areas when speaking on the phone. The space has been created to propose many alternatives so use them!
For your casual calls, you may use the kitchen and relaxation zones. However, the meeting room, which can host 10 persons or more, is not the best place for a telephone conversation.
For your online and conference calls, please use the phone/meeting booths.
Internet is a vital part of our work. There is nothing more infuriating than having to wait for Internet Explorer (RIP.) to open… For that purpose, Puzl CowOrKing’s internet is very good.
• Three times 100Mb Guaranteed internet contracts signed with two different providers.
• Every workstation has a dedicated RJ45 plug (sorry Mac lovers you’ll need an adaptor).
• Wireless is available as support across the areas.
Each person joining the space receives an internet cable upon arrival. Cable, which shall be returned upon your departure of the space.
If we see that the internet speed is not sufficient to withstand traffic then we will simply add more! However, living in a community comes with responsibilities.
• We ask everyone to use the RJ45 plug to connect their PC when sitting at their desks. The reason for this is that wireless is by definition unhealthy and unsafe; so let’s keep it at a minimum.
• If you do have an RJ45 entry on your PC we invite you to purchase an adaptor. The wireless is available for your phone or while working nomad around the space. Тhe cable will always be faster!
• Downloading illegal content is absolutely forbidden. We do NOT support pirating. Do NOT download pirated content from torrent trackers via our network. In the event of copyright infringement, you are deemed solely responsible for your actions and in no way can Puzl CowOrKing be made legally responsible.
• Pause your torrents while being in the space. The internet is constantly distributed across active sessions. We also have a monitoring system in place to control abuses and filtered as a potential source of such traffic will have their internet connection terminated for a period of 30 min., after each infringement detection. So please keep internet for work and fun but not too much fun…
• If you need a server in the space or any specific network setting, please contact the Navigator to discuss the options.
Be sure to check our legal mention about the Internet:
“Интернет” се определя като предоставена от Puzl CowOrKing услуга достъп до глобалната интернет мрежа като част от пакета услуги за всички Клиенти и свързани с тях лица.
“Клиент” се приема като определение за всички фирми, наемащи работни пространства в Puzl CowOrKing, като юридически лица и техните служители.
1. Клиентът е единствено отговорен за всяко съдържание, което използва, споделя, публикува, предава, съхранява или прави достъпно по друг начин при използване на Интернет.
2. Клиентът потвърждава и се съгласява, че Puzl CowOrKing не носи отговорност и няма задължение да преглежда и контролира съдържанието, което се предоставя на Клиента посредством достъп до Интернет. Puzl CowOrKing не контролира съдържанието използвано, публикувано или достъпно посредством ползването на достъп до Интернет.
3. При ползване на Интернет, Клиентът се задължава да не изпраща нежелана поща (spam, junk email), да не използва технически средства с цел добиване на информация (hacking), да не извършва действия, които могат да бъдат квалифицирани като кражба на интелектуална собственост, корпоративен шпионаж и/или саботаж, повреждане или разрушаване на системи или информационни масиви (cracking), изпращане на вируси, смущаване нормалната работа на останалите потребители, както и да не извършва действия, които могат да се квалифицират като престъпление или административно нарушение по българското законодателство или по друго приложимо право.
4. Клиентът носи отговорност по отношение на правата на интелектуална собственост (авторски и сродни права) върху съдържанието, което използва или разпространява посредством Интернет (например, но не ограничено до, софтуер, музикални файлове, кинематографски или аудио-визуални произведения). Puzl CowOrKing не носи финансова отговорност в случай на претенции от трети лица, свързани с права на интелектуална собственост върху съдържанието, което използва или разпространява посредством достъп до Интернет. Клиентът се задължава да извършва дейността си законосъобразно, като си осигурява наличието на всички необходимите права, лицензи и други права и разрешения съгласно приложимото законодателство.
5. Предоставяне на достъп до Интернет няма за цел отстъпването на авторски и/или други права на интелектуална собственост върху софтуер или други защитени от авторско право продукти и услуги, които Клиентът изтегля и използва в резултат на цитираният достъп.
6. При публикуване на изображения, текст или др., които са обект на авторско право на трети лица, без изричното тяхно съгласие, използвайки предоставеният достъп до Интернет, Клиента носи цялата произтичаща от това действие отговорност. При съмнение за използване на подвеждащо съдържание, неистински оферти или информация която е злонамерена и увреждаща името на други юридически или физически лица умишлено или неволно, Puzl CowOrKing не носи отговорност и има право без предупреждение да преустанови достъпа до такава информация, както и временно да блокира достъпът на Клиента до Интернета.
Printing, copying and scanning – both colour and black and white – is available on the premises of the space. We are offering included in the rent 100 b/w printing per month per member.
The printer is the scariest machine in the office! But you can do it! Get all your technical skills and follow the instructions here: http://support.puzl.com
Username and password should be received upon your arrival in your welcome email.
Once you show us how good you're in following instructions, go to the printer, slide your access control card and add your login details. Then, you need only to check your card - easy, ah!?
Just keep in mind that the color printing is more expensive than the regular black/white one!
If you require a large quantity of printing you may cover the cost at the end of the month. Do not hesitate to contact the Chief Navigator for any questions related to printing.
Please restrain yourself from over printing! We are in IT… We should not require to over print documents… It is bad for the environment!
We love watching movies and playing video games! This is why we have added good quality gears to the space. This tech allows us to get the Cinema Experience within the office! Due to the location of rooms with the multimedia equipment (the Brainstorming room in the Space), please note that you can only use the sound system after working hours. This means that you are not allowed to watch movies or play games with sound before 20:00.
You are welcome to utilize the equipment in the evening to organize movies or gaming nights! However, you are responsible for the good usage of the equipment in addition to being responsible for the good behavior of the persons that you invite within the space. You are responsible for damage that may occur to the equipment while being used by you or your guests.
If someone from the space complains about the noise made while watching a movie or playing games, please note that work always prevails!
It is not allowed to smoke outside of the smoking room (Sick bay) situated half a floor above the Space back entrance. Our Sick bay has been designed within an old ventilation shaft so do enjoy it. You can also go out of the building for the hourly dosage of nicotine.
Oh, the no smoking rule is also extended for heated tobacco machines and vapes as well.
We tolerate pets within the space under certain conditions. To allow your pet in the area, you need to make sure that he is calm, clean and has a place to sleep. IF anyone complains about the presence of your pet whether it is for allergies or noise, then sadly the pet will have to leave the premises.
You are furthermore responsible for any damages that your pet may make to the areas.
While using the building’s communal areas you should be careful not to damage them. If you were to damage parts of the communal areas of the building, we ask you to directly refer to the Operations team so that we can warn the owners of the building.
Please note that you are legally responsible for any damages to the common areas of the building – in additions to the ones of the space – incurred by you, your team or any third party brought to the building under your watch/invitation.
The use of the meeting room in addition to other meeting spaces is not limited for the members of the community. However, keep in mind that everyone has a fair share of the rooms and use the rooms responsibly!
- It’s not fair one company to use one meeting room for the whole day.
- It’s not fair to use one of the biggest meeting rooms when you’re alone for a phone call.
- It’s not fair to reserve a room and not use it but keep it empty for the time of your reservation.
When the two large rooms are used (The Forge room in the Space and the Gray room in the Factory) larger groups should occupy them. These spaces are designed for larger meetings and conference calls. If you need a place just for phone conversations or a small meeting between two-three people, please use the phone/meeting booths or the smaller meeting rooms (Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Cork).
If you need a room for a whole day event, please discuss it with the team, so they could propose a solution that is convenient for everyone.
A Teamup Calendar is available online to reserve spots in the meeting rooms. The only rule is not to fill in more than two meetings before at least one of them is consumed.
When scheduling a meeting, please include your name and your company name (if relevant). That way the other members would know who to contact if there is an issue with the meeting room usage.
You’ll be only allowed to add new events in the calendar and read (but not change) the existing ones. If you’d like anything changed on the calendars, please do not hesitate to contact the Operations team.
Be sure to cancel your calendar reservation if your meeting is canceled so the other members could use the room.
You are personally responsible for any persons that you invite to the space. Please make sure that you remain with them at all times while being within the premises.
We also recommend limiting visits to strictly business hours from 8:00 to 19:00 within working days. Puzl CowOrKing is before all a place to work. If any member complains of the presence of one of your visitors try to work things directly with that member. If not able to solve the issue alone then refer to the Operations team.
We like meetups as they help people grow professionally. We do not require any payments for meetups. If you wish to organize a meetup, simply speak to the Voice to make sure that there is availability in the space.
Meetups should preferably be organized after 18:30 or at weekend to disturb as little as possible the work flow of other members of the space. Please note that meetups cannot be organized in the open spaces.
If someone from outside the community that you know wishes to organize a meetup within the space, please contact the Voice. Please note that members are responsible for the persons that they invite to the space.
Once the meeting or event is completed, please return the room to its original state.
Again – Only IT or IT related meetups are hosted.
We currently have space available in Barter Community Hub for larger events. Please contact the Barter team to organize your event with them.
Puzl CowOrKing cannot be deemed responsible or in any way liable for the loss of properties in case of theft, fire, or any other reason. We have taken specific steps to minimize all risk to the space and your belongings but cannot assure that the space is risk free.
In the event of a theft or missing personal property, we invite you to rapidly refer to the Navigator. Video cameras are available to watch the office and those will be used to get information on where the missing items may have gone.
In the event of a fire, flood, natural disaster or any other external or internal factor that may damage the space and your properties; Puzl CowOrKing has taken an insurance to protect its properties. We would advise you to do the same for your belongings, as the insurance of the space will in no way be able to cover losses that you have experienced.
Your incapacity to respect the above-mentioned rules on the usage of the Puzl CowOrKing will lead to you being automatically excluded from the space. Any damages or losses related to the wrong usage of the office space by you will remain your responsibility and be charged at your expenses.