Checkout X is growing stronger with a major relaunch
We knew that something was cooking in the Checkout X camp the last couple of months, as the folks there were just bursting with enthusiasm and energy all around the place. Something big was coming, and they were super excited about it. At the beginning of June, they finally broke the news - a major relaunch, with months of hard work put into it, was coming their way. With a fresh new website, even more optimized checkout and revamped business model, they were ready to kick in Q3 with a bang!
The relaunch
When you make a big, positive change, a party is always in order. So in line with the good coworking tradition, the Checkout X folks organized an upbeat get-together to celebrate their relaunch.

And oh, how we missed those! Celebrating the good stuff with clinking glasses, loud laughs, cool stories, and good friends from all around the ecosystem. As a relaunch event, some gray-matter stimuli were in order, so the Checkout X camp did put together a tough quiz (including a question on a team member’s favorite song, for which no one had a freaking clue 😀). But the trophies were quite inspiring!

It took us quite a while to recover from the good time we had, get our brainz on the right track, and put together this piece, but better late than never.
Jumping back several years prior to this night-to-be-remembered, Checkout X started as a 1 man army show, developing a frictionless checkout experience for Shopify users. Apparently, they were on the right track, as since their kickstart in 2018 till now Checkout X have grown to a globally distributed team that scaled the product to one of the most used eCommerce platforms - WooCommerce.
And the numbers back their success - the checkout solution gained traction immediately, onboarding over 16,000 stores over the first 2 years, processed over €680 million in transactions, from over 17 million e-commerce orders. Wow, right?

But why stop there?
There are times when entrepreneurial spirit shines bright, and Checkout X has come to a point to show just that. After recent changes in Shopify’s API integration, banning all 3rd party checkout solutions from their platform, Checkout X, had to come up with another way to grow and provide a better experience to as many stores as possible with the opportunity to build a more profitable business. Here’s what Ruslan Leteyski, CEO and Founder at Checkout X, shared on their decision
“After what happened we decided to stay true to our mission and values, rather than adjust our product to where Shopify wants to see their partners. We have decided to focus on WooCommerce and help solve a lot of technical obstacles for starting entrepreneurs who want to scale faster and provide the best customer and checkout experience.”
Bye Shopify, hello WooCommerce
With all this said, Checkout X’s big relaunch introduces their shift from Shopify to WooCommerce. Their all-in-one shopping experience platform allows merchants to effortlessly integrate and replace the default WooCommerce checkout, while the platform takes care of the optimization to drive better conversion results.
The product doesn’t only provide an automated and frictionless checkout solution, but due to a clever revamp in Checkout X’s business model, it now comes completely for free. The free version also lets store owners add post-purchase upsells and earn up to €1,000 of additional revenue without any charges. And this is actually the way Checkout X monetizes their solution - if merchants decide to keep using the upsells that can generate revenue growth of over 10%, they simply subscribe and share a fraction of their extra earnings with the platform.
Where to from here on?
With their product relaunch, Checkout X are now introducing their new business model, backed by a freshly revamped webpage. Their customer-centric mission will aim at solving a lot of technical obstacles for starting entrepreneurs who want to scale faster and provide the best customer and checkout experience in WooCommerce. And based on our humble gut feeling and knowing what the Checkout X gang is capable of, we’re sure that they’ll be getting there.
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